PREA Reporting

Pulaski County Detention Center Zero Tolerance Policy For Sexual Abuse & Harassment

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed in 2003 with unanimous support from both parties in Congress. The purpose of the act was to “provide for the analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape in Federal, State, and local institutions and to provide information, resources, recommendations, and funding to protect individuals from prison rape.” (Prison Rape Elimination Act, 2003). The Pulaski County Detention Center dedicates all necessary resources required to battle sexual abuse and harassment in our facility. To this end, we have instituted a zero tolerance policy for sexual abuse and harassment that details these efforts. All allegations of sexual abuse and harassment in our facility. are investigated by personnel specially trained in the dynamics of sexual abuse and harassment in a confinement setting. When appropriate, allegations of sexual abuse or harassment are referred to the Kentucky State Police for investigations of potential criminal conduct and the 28th Judicial Circuit Commonwealth’s Attorney for prosecution.

The Pulaski County Detention Center follows all relevant state and federal laws with regard to sexual abuse and harassment in our facility. and provides report information to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a division of the U.S

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. Department of Justice, for the purposes of tracking sexual abuse and harassment at all levels of corrections and developing solutions to the nationwide problem. All allegations are investigated by the Detention Center’s specially trained PREA Investigators, with assistance from Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) and with victim advocate support available from Adanta Crisis Center  Emergency Crisis Line (TDD/TTY) Phone: 1-800-633-5599.

PREA Investigators are responsible for administrative investigations and work in conjunction with the Kentucky State Police, to refer incident for criminal prosecution as appropriate.

The Pulaski County Detention Center accepts reports in numerous ways, including but not limited to reports directly from inmates, reports given anonymously on the agency’s PREA hotline (a toll-free call on the inmate phone system), reports by staff members and volunteers who provide services inside our facilities and third-party reports. Third party reports may come from the friends or family of those incarcerated who may have information regarding sexual abuse or harassment that has gone unreported.

As a friend or family member, there are several avenues for you to file a third-party report. These methods are listed below:

Call anytime 606-678-0130 and request to speak to the supervisor on shift and report the situation directly:

Call 606-678-0130 and request to speak to a PREA investigator or Captain on Duty. (M-F, 8 am to 4 pm EST)

You may also contact the KY Justice Cabinet PREA Hotline at 1-855-700-PREA (7732).

Reports may be made in person, or by sending a letter detailing the allegations addressed to the following

PREA Investigations
Pulaski County Detention Center
300 Hail Knob Road
Somerset, KY  42503

*Note* – The source providing information in allegations of sexual abuse and harassment may remain confidential if so requested.